Hanoi Girl Achieves IELTS 9 Score: A Journey of Language Mastery

Original article by VNexpress - (https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/education/hanoi-girl-bags-ielts-9-score-says-she-practices-english-every-day-4625582.html)

A remarkable achievement has been made by Khuat Nguyen Linh, a 12th-grade student at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. Linh recently received her IELTS test result, scoring a perfect 9 overall, which is the highest score possible. What makes her achievement even more impressive is that it was her first-ever IELTS test. In this blog post, we dive into Linh's inspiring journey and discover the strategies she employed to excel in the test.

A Strong Foundation:

Linh credits her success to the solid English foundation she built during her early years. English was introduced to her at elementary school, and her focus on the language intensified from the 6th grade onwards. By choosing English as her major in the 8th grade, she immersed herself further into the language.

Learning from Real-Life Contexts:

Rather than relying solely on textbooks and formal language learning materials, Linh embraced English in everyday life. She turned to movies, games, and books, using them as sources to improve her language skills. Engaging in conversations with friends in English at school also contributed to her fluency and natural language use.

Observing Native English Speakers:

Linh recognized the value of observing native English speakers and learning from their usage of the language. By watching shows and movies in English, she paid attention to the structure, intonation, and pronunciation employed by speakers in various contexts. This method enhanced her listening and speaking skills, making her more confident and proficient.

Extensive Reading:

To expand her vocabulary and improve her reading comprehension, Linh devoted time to reading in English. She explored a range of literature, including notable works such as "The Da Vinci Code," "Angels and Demons," "White Fang," and "The Alchemist." Reading these books in both Vietnamese and English helped her gain a deeper understanding of the texts.

A Balanced Approach to Practice:

While acknowledging the importance of practicing IELTS tests, Linh did not excessively focus on mock exams. Instead, she took a glance at a few tests to familiarize herself with the format. As the exam approached, she took a mock exam to assess her capabilities, which gave her the confidence to trust her preparation and ease her learning intensity.

Khuat Nguyen Linh's outstanding IELTS score is a testament to her dedication and effective language learning strategies. Her story highlights the importance of a strong foundation, learning from real-life contexts, observing native speakers, extensive reading, and finding a balanced approach to practice. Linh's journey serves as an inspiration for aspiring IELTS test takers, encouraging them to embrace English as a living language and seek opportunities for authentic language use.




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